CanXida Remove (RMV) is an advanced 12 ingredient anti-fungal, anti-bacterial & anti-parasite formula based on over 30 years of research.
It is the only formula of its kind that uses standardized ingredients in a sustained release form (see FAQs for what these terms mean).
Issues Addressed by CanXida Remove:
GSE was discovered by Korean scientists to destroy the cell membranes of over 100 different yeast cell species along with over 800 different pathogenic bacteria WHILE IGNORING beneficial flora. A lot of people have trouble taking GSE because of how bitter it is (which is why we put it in a tablet)
Berberine is a natural antibiotic found in herbs such as goldenseal and berberis vulgaris. It has a broad spectrum application in that it not only weakens Candida but is also effective against some of the nastiest bad bacteria such as e coli, staph aureus giardia, entamoeba histolytica, trichomonas vaginalis, leishmania donovani as well as several well-known parasites.
Another herb very effective against yeasts and parasites, clove contains a substance called eugenol which a 2009 study at the University of Porto, Portugal, discovered RUPTURES & DESTROYS yeast cells upon contact. They also found that it almost entirely prevents Candida Albicans from producing hyphae, which are branching filaments that Candida & other fungi use to penetrate the gut wall & spread to other parts of the body. Eugenol was even found to be effective against yeast strains that had become resistant to "azole" medications, one of the most common anti-fungal drugs used to treat yeast infections.
Garlic contains allicin, one of the most potent anti-fungals ever discovered. Studies have found it to be as effective as pharmaceutical drugs such & "nystat" & “azole” drugs for destroying Candida Albicans. You may think 2% sounds small but that's actually a whole lot because when that gets slow released throughout your whole digestive system it's going to have a very strong kill effect on over 800 different kinds of bad bacteria, 20 different kinds of Candida & many, many different kinds of yeasts species such as microsporum, geotrichum, aspergillus and more. Yeast hates garlic, particularly standardized, because it can't develop a resistance to it. (Don't worry if you can't handle garlic or are sensitive to it).
A short chain fatty acid derived from coconut which has been found to stop Candida from replicating. It's perfect for a sustained release formula like this one because the effect isn't too strong but at the same time it's not something yeast can develop a resistance to. Caprylic acid works best in conjunction with undecylenic acid but sadly these are rarely found together in one formula.